Saturday, March 21, 2009

Life under the pastor's desk. part 2

Ok, so the "Super Tortoise" got its name for more than one reason....... it would get you there eventually, but lets just say it wasn't the quickest mode of travel. I remember soon after I bought the Tortoise I was driving down the road and the steering wheel started shaking and the motorhome felt like it was going to shake us into a thousand pieces. I took it to be looked at and the mechanic said that since the former owners had put non-radial tires on the front (steering) axle, it would take a few minutes for the tires to warm up when traveling down the highway and until they warmed up the motorhome would shake uncontrollably if you went over 35 miles per hour. This may seem like a pretty bad thing, but I was willing to live with the problem considering the Super Tortoise had all of these other great features:

Brown Shag- The carpet was thick brown shag and I loved it. The dirt didn't show up too quickly, but when it did I got to bring out the next great feature.........

Central Vac- There was a central vacuum built into this thing! It was great, but being a bachelor I obviously didn't choose to use it very much. Not to mention if I ran out of bags for the vac I wasn't even sure if they still sold extra bags for it since this motor home was vintage to say the least and eBay wasn't around yet.

Brown Woven Blinds- Let me just say I have never found a place that I could sleep better than in the Super Tortoise. Why? Was the bed that comfy? Not really, it was more because at any time of day I could drop the brown woven blinds and make this place pitch black for sleeping. This was a very good thing, but at times my deep sleeps in the motorhome were a bad thing as you'll find out in future episodes.

Built-in TV Console- I quickly removed the black-and-white tv that didn't work from this built-in console area and replaced it with a 19 inch color tv and also made room for my Sega Genesis. My bachelor pad was slowly coming together.

A built-in makeup desk - Since this was more of a convesation piece I showed a few people how it worked and then I never lifted it up again. I wasn't the type to wear makeup so I soon got my computer from my parents house and mounted it and my printer to the counter. Not that I had internet access, but I thought I was pretty hot stuff with a computer in my motorhome.

Full kitchen - Ok, so I didn't cook a lot of meals in the motorhome, but it did have a fridge, stove, oven, microwave, and a built-in blender. Surprisingly I never made milk shakes or smoothies with the blender, but again it was a cool conversation piece.

Full Bathroom - It had a throne and a shower with a nice big closet as well. There are some funny stories to come in future episodes that involve this area of the motor home, so don't miss a single episode.

A Roll-Out Awning and Green Carpet - So I rolled out the awning one time and put out the green carpet, but when I found out how much work it took to do so I never did it again, but hey I could still tell people about the cool feature to my rolling bachelor pad right?

And last but not least the 440 - The Super Tortoise was powered by a Dodge 440 engine. I thought that was cool to say, but all I knew was the engine sounded good, but it sure was slow. I also soon found out that it was prone to vapor locking, which was not much fun, but I'll tell you more about that later.

And you might still be asking yourself, what in the world does this have to do with a pastor's desk? Come read along next time and we might get that much closer to an answer.