Thursday, June 18, 2009

Back to blogging

Wow, its been so long since my last blog post. Not that I have many followers yet, but for anyone who was watching I'm sorry that I got lost in my busy schedule. I've been staying very busy working with my wonderful wife on our eBay store as well as working full time as a warehouse manager as my day job. The attic has been up and down in recent months. We've grown leaps and bounds since last year at this time and we're now shipping about 3 times as many packages as we were a year ago. One of the things I've been doing to help us grow our business is lettering our cars for advertising. Here's a picture of my car that I lettered last week. Let me know if you've seen it on the streets in the DC / Baltimore metro area. Last but not least I'm working on opening an outlet store that is not part of eBay. You can checkout the outlet store at .

I hope to be writing again soon. Thanks for viewing my blog!